The Human Skeletal System - Interesting Facts About Our Skeletal System


The problem is most of us are not curiosity seekers when it comes to the human body, particularly the skeletal system. Probably the total knowledge of what the average persons knows about this system, could be written in one paragraph.

The Human Skeletal System - Interesting Facts About Our Skeletal System

Now switching over to another topic just for a moment, let me talk about curiosity. We are nosy creatures by habit, and thrive on learning interesting things. It doesn't matter on what topic for the most part, if has something to do with us either direct or indirectly, then we want to here it. Only however if it simple to understand.

Now back to the skeletal system. This is definitely all about us, in fact it is us. Its not up to someone else to look after what belongs to us. The human anatomy is really not nearly as complex as we make it out to be. That statement only holds true for those that are not doing an in-depth study of the body. In those cases, yes it is complex, but not beyond understanding. Its just a matter of how much knowledge is necessary for the purpose we need it for. So in the case of the individual that wants to go into the medical profession, he needs a lot more knowledge than the average person who just want to take care of what he owns. Namely our body.

So not only are we going to talk about some interesting facts about your bones, we are going to learn some things that are important to our everyday living. Do you know that you have been losing things from your skeletal system over the years?

When you were born you had about 350 brand new bones. Now if you could peek inside yourself you'd count around 206 or so. That's 90 less then what you started with. You know darn well you haven't had any surgery that removed 90 of your bones, and you also know that you were born perfectly healthy. This truly is a mystery, and now you're curious. Well actually it really isn't all that much of a mystery. Many of our bones simply fuse together throughout out lifespan. Part of the reason this happens is so those bones fusing together, can perform the functions we need as adults, which we didn't require as children.

Here is another point that may be of interest. Most of us reach our peak bone density or strength around the age of 20. So the adage that its "all down hill after 40" is misleading. Now don't let this thought depress you, and lead you to think that now that you're past twenty that you are past the prime of you life. It simply means that you need to ensure you are taking care of your body. particularly your skeletal system right from that age on. Not waiting till you reach 40 before you start thinking about what's good for your bones.

Lets cover one more interesting fact. There are so many to choose from its hard to decide which to share with you. How about those starvation diets that many of us have tried at some point in our life. We figure whatever damage they could cause is temporary right? Not so. you are damaging your bones because they are not being nourished properly. Who knows what lasting effects this could have.

So a little bit of basic knowledge about the body can mean a lot of good health through the years. You have to admit that some of the facts we covered here were quite interesting and did raise your curiosity.

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