Human Anatomy & Physiology - The Study of Life & Its Importance in Todays World


A basic explanation of what is anatomy and physiology is that physiology is the study of life, and life is in the form of the human anatomy. To answer the question, so what does it mean to me? It mean everything to you, because its "all about you".

Human Anatomy & Physiology - The Study of Life & Its Importance in Todays World

We all care about something, when it is about us. Ironically the most important thing to us which is our life, we leave in the hands of many others, mostly to those in the health care field. Of course we are all not doctors and nurses, so we have to entrust ourselves to those who are. To a point, and that's the point I am making here. We have the responsibility to ourselves to know what we are made of, so we can make sound educated judgments, when it comes to health issues.

I am not just referring to basic knowledge, I am talking about a good understanding of anatomy and physiology which I again say " its all about you". If you can clear your way to thinking, that the body is about you personally and not a separate entity , then you have a better understanding of the importance in getting to know it.

Let me give you an example. When the economy is at its peak, people will go out and buy a vehicle that appeals to them. Perhaps they have heard about it through an advertisement, or a friend has one. They don't base their decision on what they know personally, instead they base it on the word of others. Now a big factor here is money.

If the money situation is good then you can afford to be more daring. On the other hand, when money is tight people do a lot more investigating into purchases. For example they make it their business to find out how good the car is on gas, or how durable it is, or what are they getting exactly for the money. Now why does this happen? Simple, when money is tight, people have more to lose, so they are more careful, because they won't have the means to replace it.

This is exactly how we are with our anatomy and physiology. When it seems to be working it great condition, we just go about our daily routine, not even giving a thought as to why its working so good, and what can we really do to keep it that way. Then the unfortunate day may come when you have just had your medical exam done, and the doctor says there is a problem.

For example, he may say your thyroid is malfunctioning. Perhaps you haven't even heard the word thyroid. So now you don't even know just how much trouble you may be in. Is it serious or what? All of a sudden now you will go on a crash course of learning a lot more of what the body is all about. At least where it pertains to your problems. You will most likely jump onto the internet, and type in the word "thyroid". By the time you are finished you will be an expert on it.

I am not suggesting that you have to be a graduate student of the studies of anatomy and physiology. I am saying if you know your body well, then you are in a strong position to take preventative measures against illness. In addition you are well more informed from the start about potential problems you may be faced with. I mean by not knowing about the details of your body you could be creating a great deal of unnecessary stress for yourself.

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Anatomy and Physiology Study Guides - Easy Way to Memorize Anatomy Terms


Studying anatomy and physiology can be very frustrating. Have you ever searched for a simpler way to study anatomy? I went thorough the pain of memorizing mountains of medical terms. I must tell you it's not a simple task to remember them even English not to mention the Latin terms. If you truly want to make your study easier then pay close attention to this article and it will make you one step close to your goal.

Anatomy and Physiology Study Guides - Easy Way to Memorize Anatomy Terms

o First of all memorizing the term and its meaning is very similar to learning a foreign language. That's why I have borrowed a tip to remember the words. Take a bunch of index cards and write down a term on one side of the card and its meaning on other side of it. Do it with all the terms you need to memorize. Now going through the cards one by one flipping them makes it much easier to memorize the terms. Alternate back and forth until you can give the meaning or the term and then look at the definition first and name the term.

o Second tip that was extremely helpful for me is to have some visualization of the human anatomy. You know that people receive the large portion of information from environment through eyes. Pictures and diagrams are good help. But I found even better solution. There are some pieces of software that show the three dimensional human skeletal and muscular structure. Never underestimate the power of animation. You will be surprised how easier it makes memorizing the bones and muscles of human body.

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A Brief Look At Human Physiology


We all know that the human body consists of things like tissue, organs, cells, skin, and bones. The scientific name for the study of what the body is made up of is called anatomy.

A Brief Look At Human Physiology

The study of anatomy, however, is not and cannot be as dynamic as the life science study of how the human body actually works and how the parts of the body behave and interact with each other. This science is called human physiology.

The body's organization

The body is organized on four different levels:

  1. Chemical - at the very smallest and base level, the body consists of atoms and molecules

  2. Cellular- on the next level, the atoms and molecules make up cells. Cells are the body's base level structure. The body consists of various kinds of cells which include: white and red blood cells; fat cells; muscle cells and nerve cells

  3. Tissue - The body contains just 4 tissue types: muscle; nervous; epithelial; and connective tissue. Tissue consists of cell groups & the surrounding matter which both function together to do a specific job.

  4. Organ- an organ consists of 2 or more kinds of tissue. Organs have specific shapes and perform different individual functions. The liver, for example, is a vital organ responsible for many things including detoxifying the body and producing biochemicals, called bile, to help digestion. The liver consists of nervous, connective and muscle tissue.

The body's systems

The body is made up of ten different systems which work together to make the body function. These systems are: Endocrine system; Nervous system; Circulatory system; GastroIntestinal system; Integumentary system; Respiratory system; Urinary system; Reproductive system; Musculoskeletal system; Immune system.

The way in which the body's systems work and interact with each other is called integration. Many systems, whilst they have their own specific function, work in parallel with other systems to ensure the body works as it should.

The way in which the body's systems talk to each other is called communication. It is vital that all parts of the body know what's going on in other parts of the body so that optimum performance can be achieved.

When everything is working well in the body and it is operating efficiently and normally, it is said to be in a state of homeostasis. However, this balance is a delicate one and many things can go wrong with the body - be it for external or internal reasons. The body then reacts to try and correct the balance using its various systems but it cannot always achieve this. This is where modern day medicine steps in to try and fix what the body itself cannot.

The study of human physiology and anatomy has been around for over 2000 years. The research by pioneers such as Aristotle and Hippocrates was quite basic but kicked off the more complex life science study we know today. Modern day human physiology however gives us the knowledge to learn more about how our bodies work thus helping all of us to live longer and healthier lives.

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Human Anatomy and Physiology Study Guide


We are going to talk about some of the best features of a human anatomy study guide and what you should do. The question is this, do you actually have to buy a study guide for Anatomy and Physiology. You may want to take some time to read this if you have some questions about the subject, as we can help you big time!

Human Anatomy and Physiology Study Guide

When I was coming up in college, there wasn't too many things that were around to help us. But quite recently, there has been an outbreak of educating our youth, giving them guide and aides. I honestly believe that the traditional way of studying which is going to class and being lectured is starting to become outdated.

Sure it has it's place, but there are things that you can do to study the subject better, there are software that can help you with these things. We are going to give you some features of the best guide, which is known as Human Anatomy Course.

The Basic Course
The first part that this Human Anatomy Course, (which we will link you to on the bottom), is actually going to tell you everything you need to know about the body and offer you a lesson on what you need to learn. There are some people who say that this can even replace a book!

So it's a pretty good situation. And it's a study aid as well, so you can expect it to be in-depth and awesome!

#2 - Detailed A & P Graphics
You will see that you are going to get graphics depicted each group or part of the muscle. This will definitely help you memorize the body better and quicker! It's one of those things that people overlook, but it is highly important to know each muscle group and what they do. This can help with so many subjects alone such as biomechanics, human anatomy and physiology, and many other classes as well!

Drug Dosage, Therapy, & Pharmacology Study Guide
If you are going towards the medical path or even sports medicine path, this can definitely help you in terms of giving treatment, you will get a human anatomy course and study guide on this portion of learning, Learning the drug dosages, therapy guides, oral and maxillofactal pathology and things of that nature, true medical stuff!

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Human Anatomy - Organs - 10 Interesting Facts!


There are many types of organs with completely different purposes. The human anatomy of organs is quite remarkable, when looked at more closely. Want to learn more about the human organs? Then read on.

Human Anatomy - Organs - 10 Interesting Facts!

Here's a list of 10 facts regarding human organ anatomy:

  • The definition of an organ is "a collection of tissue than together shares a common function".
  • There are 78 different organs in the human body.
  • Humans have 11 major organ systems. These are the muscular, endocrine, digestive, circulatory, lymphatic, integumentary, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and excretory systems.
  • Organs can be found in all higher biological organisms, also in plants.
  • Some organ system work together or overlap. An example is the muscular and skeletal system. This is often referred to as the musculoskeletal system.
  • There are six vital organs in the human body. Without these we will die. The vital organs are the brain, the heart, the liver the kidneys, the lungs and the pancreas.
  • The largest human organ is the skin, obviously in surface but also in weight. The liver is our second largest organ.
  • The smallest human organ is the pineal gland and is located close to the center of the brain.
  • The least important organ in our body has for a long time thought to be the appendix, since the purpose of it has not been discovered. Recent studies however indicate that it produces and protects good bacteria, which help us digest food.
  • The smallest bone is the human body is the stirrup which is located in the ear, while the largest is the femur, which is the thigh bone.

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What Is Human Anatomy?


Anatomy means the study of structure and human anatomy means the study of structure of human beings. It is one of the three basic medical sciences, which are taught to medical students who are to follow a career related to hospitals.

What Is Human Anatomy?

Human anatomy is purely related to the study of structure. It is not concerned with the study of functions of various parts of human body. In fact, there is another basic medical science, known as Physiology, which is concerned with the study of the function of various parts of human body. Anatomy just describes the structural details.

Yes, it is a fact that structure and function are very much inter-related and one cannot be understood without the other but a distinction has to be made because of the level of details in both fields. The details of human structure are so vast that they cannot be studied along with the vast details of human functions. That is why the study of function and structure is differentiated into two different branches of medical science.

It can be divided into three major categories.

1) Gross anatomy (macroscopic anatomy)
2) Microscopic anatomy (Histology)
3) Basic anatomy

Gross Anatomy: It deals with the study of macroscopic details of human structure. It is not concerned with fine microscopic structural details of human body and is studied with naked eye. It has two approaches of study: Systemic approach and regional approach. In systemic approach, the human body is considered to be composed of different organs systems while in regional approach, human body is considered to be composed of different regions.

Microscopic anatomy: It deals with the study of microscopic details of various structures of human body. Microscopic anatomy depends on an important instrument known as the microscope.

Basic anatomy: It is sometimes not considered as a major subdivision of human anatomy, however, it is very important for medical students who are new to the concepts of anatomy. Basic anatomy explains all the basic concepts of human anatomy so that the different structural arrangements of these basic components can be understood properly.

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Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy


When I was studying at Berkeley, I watched a fair number of people drop out. It seemed like the stress of constant study was becoming too much for some. One of the main things most people (myself included) struggled with was memorizing human anatomy. To the average person, it may seem simple, but there are thousands of things to remember -it's actually one of the most complex systems in nature. Trying to cram all of this information while juggling the topics of disease and disorders was taking its toll - morning and night study, lectures, research, constant plucking through different books and notes - it never seemed to end.

Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy

One night I was on an online forum and I saw a post about mnemonics, and it sounded like the perfect system to memorize anatomy. Although I always seem to have a hard time saying the word mnemonics out loud, it's a very logical system in itself. A mnemonic, quite simply, is a memory aid - a system designed to help you easily remember information.

By listening to audio recordings of these human anatomy mnemonics, my study time was more than cut in half for one simple reason - I was completely clear on every aspect of human anatomy, and if I had any doubts, I simply referred back to simple mnemonic queues which contained the answers I needed. Because I learnt it all through audio, it really stuck with me --unlike the printed words in books which I could never seem to get a handle on. The recordings kept my complete focus, and I was able to pick up many of the mnemonics on the first listen.

Check this out. The way I remember the tribuaries for the internal jugular vein is by memorizing one simple phrase: "Medical Schools Let Confident People In". It's not nonsense, it's an easy to remember acronym - and it holds the answers, from inferior to superior:

- Middle thyroid.
- Superior thyroid.
- Lingual.
- Common facial.
- Pharyngeal.
-.Inferior petrosal sinus.

That's why mnemonics are so effective, in that one easy to remember phrase there is not only memory queues for the answers, but also their order from inferior to superior. I learnt how to memorize human anatomy almost entirely without notes!

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6 Amazing Things About Your Digestive System - Human Anatomy Facts and Myths


We all understand that the digestive system is simply the process that our body uses to glean the benefits of the foods we eat. Some of us have more knowledge about it than others, and that often comes from the type of education we are exposed to. For example. students that took biology will perhaps know a lot more than an individual who studied a trade about mechanics. There are many things about the digestive system that are just plain interesting to know. For example...

6 Amazing Things About Your Digestive System - Human Anatomy Facts and Myths

Did you know that;
In our stomach the food and liquids we take in are mixed with digestive juices. These are all mixed together within the stomach until they are small enough to be absorbed into our system. The interesting part is that each day this all adds up to about 11.5 liters which flows through the digestive system. Out of that entire amount only approx. 100mls is of no value to us, and ends up being passed through the bowels as feces.

Did you know that;
The stomach has to break down the different types of food we ingest. One of these being protein. To do the job the stomach secretes enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The stomach is so efficient at its job that between 2-6 hours later it is totally emptied of its contents and is ready for the next batch. Now you know why you're hungry.

Did you know that:
You liver is a food inspector? One of the jobs of the liver is to inspect the nutrients that are going to go to our bloodstream. Its job is to supply detoxification by getting rid of the impurities. This assists the digestion process. Good reason to keep your liver in top working condition.

Did you know that:
That by our not looking after our digestive system properly we could be hurting our financial economy? Well at least indirectly anyways. Digestive problems cost Approx billion every year in America, in both direct costs and individuals suffering from these problems who cannot work.

Did you know that:
We may be able to help control indigestion by the way we cook? In order for us to properly digest our food it takes 100 of enzymes of many different varieties. There are enzymes in our food, but we destroy these when we cook our food. So because the body needs them it is forced to manufacture them. After a while our body may get tired of doing all this extra work, so it will go on strike and not produce a efficient amount. Then once that happens, you better start heading for the antacids, because you are in for a bout of indigestion. With the germs and pesticides and other things that are foods are exposed to, unfortunately we really don't have a choice but to thoroughly cook our foods.

And saving the best for last...

Did you know that:
You could stand on your head and the food would still get down to your stomach? Now we really recommend that you don't do this. The reason it will get down there, is because the esophagus is about 25 cm., long, and our muscles will contract in waves to push the food down these 25 cm..

These facts that we have just covered are very interesting to most people. By listening to them or reading them, you have provided yourself with some fairly substantial knowledge about the digestive system. Imagine that, being able to learn something about the human body without becoming overwhelmed or bored. Now that is interesting!

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Studying the Human Body's Anatomy - For Human Anatomy Students & Educators


In reality there are some things that you will be studying in the human anatomy that are sort of like a warm up to the topic. These are important because they are your general starting points. An example of this is anatomy sections, or terms of position and direction. They all have to do with your human anatomy studies, but there are sort of a side line of the main topic.

Studying the Human Body's Anatomy - For Human Anatomy Students & Educators

Yet you must understand them in order to enter into your studies. A good example of this is the body cells. You can't categorize these into one part or organ because the entire body is made up of cells. So before you can delve into the deeper workings of the body, you must study the basics first.

You obviously entered the study of human anatomy because it intrigues you to the point where you want to know all about it. This is most probably because you intend to utilize it in some form of profession, such as a Doctor, Nurse or even a Para medic. This means that you are interested and enjoy the field. That is the first step into being successful in your studies. It is much easier to learn something if you have a keen interest in it, because you will retain more of the facts that you are learning. A word of warning, know when to take breaks from your studies. If you become frustrated too often, and for long periods of time, you could lose your interest because of this. Then your studies will suffer.

As we mentioned ,you need to know all about a cell. Now here's where it gets interesting because there are different shapes of cells, and each shape has a name. You have probably heard the term , dna. Well this is it. Everybody has unique cells, and its that uniqueness in the cell that makes up your dna.

You are really going to get excited when you see a cell under a microscope and know by the shape of it what part of the body it came from. To know this you have to learn how to identify them. As you read about them in your text book ,draw a picture of them in a column. In another column next to them write the name of what the cell is. Now leave a large 3rd column. Here you can write notes about that particular cell each time you come across information relating to them. Once again you have a good block of information. Studying in blocks is a perfect way to learn.

When you get to the point of studying an individual cell and all its components ,draw a large cell on a piece of paper , with the front of the cell cut off so you can see the inside of the cell. Now as you learn about each part of what that cell is made up of, draw it on the cell and color it. Now put the details about that part in a block of text, under the cell. Border the block of text in the same color you used on the part in the cell. You will now be able to read your notes, see the color, and quickly reference where it is in the cell. Using the colors is helping you to visualize and link information.

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Human Skeleton Anatomy - 10 Facts About the Human Skeleton!


The skeleton system is what holds everything together. In this article, I will share some fun trivia in relation to human skeleton anatomy and physiology.

Human Skeleton Anatomy - 10 Facts About the Human Skeleton!

  1. Babies have around 350 individual bones, while a grown up adult has 206. The reason for this is because many bones fuse together as we grow older. Examples are the cranium and the pelvis.
  2. The spine is in a way the base of our skeleton and anchors all other bones. It is composed of 33 small bones called vertebrae.
  3. The largest part of our skeleton is the femur, which is the upper part of our thigh, while the smallest is the stapes bone.
  4. The human skeleton account for about 20 percent of an regular sized persons total body weight.
  5. The functions of the skeleton is not only to be a framework for the body, but it also produces red and white blood cells, stores minerals and protects vital organs.
  6. There are different type of bones; long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones and sesamoid bones.
  7. The bones come in 2 different categories, the compact bones(also known as dense bones), and trabecular bones(also called spongy bones). The compact type contributes to about 80 percent of total bone mass.
  8. Joints are where two or more bones connect. There are 2 different ways of categorizing joints, by the way they connect and by mobility.
  9. In structural classification, the types of joints are fibrous joints(joined with fibrous tissue), cartilaginous joints(joined by cartilage) and synovial joints(not directly joined).
  10. By mobility, the types are called synarthrosis(little or no mobility), amphiarthrosis(slight movement) and diarthrosis(freely movable).

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Importance of Learning Human Anatomy


When medical students identify that they have got to research human anatomy, they end up so unsatisfied that it sometimes brings moans and groans to their lips. One check at an anatomy publication is quite often good enough to send some folks running for the hills. Even if it is a very difficult section of analysis, mastering human anatomy is remarkably significant. Irrelevant of what subject of study someone is adjoined in, mastering anatomy is always going to be a advantageous thing. Even if the major subjects of a learner are something from Pre-med to English Literature, there is a decent purpose for you to understand anatomy. The subsequent are the top motives to study human anatomy.

Importance of Learning Human Anatomy

The most self evident purpose to understand anatomy is if you are thinking about to grow to be a doctor, nurse or physician's assistant. Persons who are intending on treating people's bodily diseases definitely need to have a stable knowledge of the human body and its functions. There is understandably no more important class for persons entering the field of medicine compared with the class of anatomy. This is one particular class for which you need to be wide conscious, take decent notes and dedicate yourself thoroughly. Anyone in the medical field that puts in the time to learn the body's arrangement and function well will find themselves well equipped to sort out anything that comes their way in the long term future.

Though medical students may profit the most from the study of anatomy, the ones having other areas as their majors will find learning anatomy as a very helpful thing that is going to be remarkably important in the forthcoming. For example, young people who are thinking about on being fitness instructors will need a firm grasp of how the human body works out.

Psychology students will profit from understanding anatomy too. After all, psychology is really the study of how the brain works. It is unachievable to genuinely appreciate why people suppose the way they do if you do not fully understand how the arrangement of brain is put-together and how it is physically doing work. Mastering anatomy will train psychology students how the brain runs electro-chemically, as well as how it goes in association with the nervous system, endocrine system and all of the other fundamental systems of the human body.

Those learners not in the sciences will benefit from understanding about human anatomy as well. Students planning on entering law school will benefit really from study in this area. Anytime that a case includes bodily trauma or sickness, lawyers will be very cheerful that they took the time to learn about how the body works.

Even for those whose career do not demand a need for awareness of the body, study in this area will pay dividends. People who know how the body runs will be able to take more suitable care of their bodies and remain in far better health. They will also be aware of when their body is not running as it must, so they will be confident enough to get themselves into the doctor's office well before a physical problem can reach a detrimental level. The amazing benefits of reading through human anatomy are there for everyone.

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Relation Between Anatomy and Physiology


Anatomy and physiology of human body are very closely connected medical sciences which are generally taught together. In simple words, anatomy is actually the study of the physical structure of the human body, on the other hand physiology deals with the explanation of the functions of specific organs together with systems within the man. In the larger aspect, anatomy clarifies the structure whereas physiology describes the function of the human body. A knowledge of human anatomy is important to the review of physiology. Equally understanding about physiology is important to those who prefer to discover how anatomical structures perform. Thus it is visible that both branches of science are interrelated together closely and both must be learned and understood alongside each other.

Relation Between Anatomy and Physiology

Both anatomy and physiology had been learned for a long period of time. Humankind have generally retained a curiosity about how they and various other living things are structured and how they perform functions. Many people throughout history have also been serious about reviewing and contrasting distinctive living beings to search for parallels and recognize discrepancies.

The research of anatomy concentrates on understanding about the specifications, contour, and specific location of different parts in human body. It constantly stresses around dissection, whereby examples are diligently cut up to reveal the structures within. Physical aspects of human body structures are frequently recognized without the aid of any instrument by a naked eye, or viewed with magnification of a special instrument known as microscope for more detail. Through the dissection course of action, students might diligently register everything they come across, and see how systems in the human body are joined. An imperfect understanding of anatomy may result in large confusion for medical students, since understanding anatomy is a necessary component of mastering the progress of ailment.

Anatomy can be thought to be a static study, while physiology is a lot more dynamic, concerning the chemical, physical, and electrical systems that make an organism function, from the operations which manage the rate of beating of heart to the elaborate systems involved in visual perception. In order to study physiology, it is ordinarily needed to work with living bodies or organs to totally realize physical functions, for instance the release of neurotransmitters inside the brain and the storage of energy in cells. Both anatomy and physiology could be analyzed with the aid of dissection and clinical investigation of biological materials from specimens.

Medical students understand anatomy and also physiology extensively over the course of their educations, so they really know the way the human body operates all together, and how the varied systems inside human body are associated with each other. These medical sciences also form a topic of attention for people in several allied health careers, including x-ray experts who ought to have a methodical information about anatomy to accomplish their job.

The structure and function of the parts of your body are intently connected with one another and basically, the study of one of them is incomplete without the other. For the reason that content of anatomy is structure and the topic of physiology is function, it is very clearly comparable to say that anatomy and physiology are tightly connected to one another and the study of a single of them alone is incomplete without the other. In-spite of the presence of the close relationship, it is always expected to retain a boundary amongst the two considering that both fields are incredibly broad in extent and studying both concurrently is a difficult process.

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Anatomy and Physiology Test - How to Prepare


I know exactly what it feels like to study human anatomy and physiology. You have heaps of terms to memorize. You need to memorize the Latin words. My test scores were reflecting my hardship in memorizing those terms. But fortunately now I'm having the anatomy test scores much better than I used to have. Hopefully I will be able to help you to do the same if you are looking for help in improving your test results.

Anatomy and Physiology Test - How to Prepare

There are some resources on the Internet where you can take online tests. In my opinion developing a test taking skills is crucially important for your results in any test. If you develop a pattern of going through a test then each time you take a test it will be easier for you to follow the familiar path. As an example of such pattern it can be going through the test quickly finishing the questions you know the right answers for sure. Doing it over and over again will tremendously improve your results.

Now test taking skills will be useless if you don't know the subject. The hardest part in human anatomy and physiology study is to memorize the terms. As I mentioned you may be required tom memorize the Latin terms. To accomplish that I use visual aids and index cards. There are different pieces of computer software that give you in-depth visualization of human body, muscular and skeletal structure. I suggest you to take advantage of them. The index cards I use the same way if I was memorizing words of a foreign language.

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