Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy


When I was studying at Berkeley, I watched a fair number of people drop out. It seemed like the stress of constant study was becoming too much for some. One of the main things most people (myself included) struggled with was memorizing human anatomy. To the average person, it may seem simple, but there are thousands of things to remember -it's actually one of the most complex systems in nature. Trying to cram all of this information while juggling the topics of disease and disorders was taking its toll - morning and night study, lectures, research, constant plucking through different books and notes - it never seemed to end.

Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy

One night I was on an online forum and I saw a post about mnemonics, and it sounded like the perfect system to memorize anatomy. Although I always seem to have a hard time saying the word mnemonics out loud, it's a very logical system in itself. A mnemonic, quite simply, is a memory aid - a system designed to help you easily remember information.

By listening to audio recordings of these human anatomy mnemonics, my study time was more than cut in half for one simple reason - I was completely clear on every aspect of human anatomy, and if I had any doubts, I simply referred back to simple mnemonic queues which contained the answers I needed. Because I learnt it all through audio, it really stuck with me --unlike the printed words in books which I could never seem to get a handle on. The recordings kept my complete focus, and I was able to pick up many of the mnemonics on the first listen.

Check this out. The way I remember the tribuaries for the internal jugular vein is by memorizing one simple phrase: "Medical Schools Let Confident People In". It's not nonsense, it's an easy to remember acronym - and it holds the answers, from inferior to superior:

- Middle thyroid.
- Superior thyroid.
- Lingual.
- Common facial.
- Pharyngeal.
-.Inferior petrosal sinus.

That's why mnemonics are so effective, in that one easy to remember phrase there is not only memory queues for the answers, but also their order from inferior to superior. I learnt how to memorize human anatomy almost entirely without notes!

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