A Brief Look At Human Physiology


We all know that the human body consists of things like tissue, organs, cells, skin, and bones. The scientific name for the study of what the body is made up of is called anatomy.

A Brief Look At Human Physiology

The study of anatomy, however, is not and cannot be as dynamic as the life science study of how the human body actually works and how the parts of the body behave and interact with each other. This science is called human physiology.

The body's organization

The body is organized on four different levels:

  1. Chemical - at the very smallest and base level, the body consists of atoms and molecules

  2. Cellular- on the next level, the atoms and molecules make up cells. Cells are the body's base level structure. The body consists of various kinds of cells which include: white and red blood cells; fat cells; muscle cells and nerve cells

  3. Tissue - The body contains just 4 tissue types: muscle; nervous; epithelial; and connective tissue. Tissue consists of cell groups & the surrounding matter which both function together to do a specific job.

  4. Organ- an organ consists of 2 or more kinds of tissue. Organs have specific shapes and perform different individual functions. The liver, for example, is a vital organ responsible for many things including detoxifying the body and producing biochemicals, called bile, to help digestion. The liver consists of nervous, connective and muscle tissue.

The body's systems

The body is made up of ten different systems which work together to make the body function. These systems are: Endocrine system; Nervous system; Circulatory system; GastroIntestinal system; Integumentary system; Respiratory system; Urinary system; Reproductive system; Musculoskeletal system; Immune system.

The way in which the body's systems work and interact with each other is called integration. Many systems, whilst they have their own specific function, work in parallel with other systems to ensure the body works as it should.

The way in which the body's systems talk to each other is called communication. It is vital that all parts of the body know what's going on in other parts of the body so that optimum performance can be achieved.

When everything is working well in the body and it is operating efficiently and normally, it is said to be in a state of homeostasis. However, this balance is a delicate one and many things can go wrong with the body - be it for external or internal reasons. The body then reacts to try and correct the balance using its various systems but it cannot always achieve this. This is where modern day medicine steps in to try and fix what the body itself cannot.

The study of human physiology and anatomy has been around for over 2000 years. The research by pioneers such as Aristotle and Hippocrates was quite basic but kicked off the more complex life science study we know today. Modern day human physiology however gives us the knowledge to learn more about how our bodies work thus helping all of us to live longer and healthier lives.

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